Atrações cobertas:
Não inclui
O passeio a pé no final da tarde foi ótimo, especialmente porque terminava no topo, onde você podia assistir ao pôr do sol por conta própria. Como é a primeira vez, não posso comparar as multidões, mas havia muitas pessoas, mas isso não afetou nosso passeio. A senhora era bem informada e fez com que o passeio fosse agradável e informativo. Eu o recomendaria para quem está visitando pela primeira vez, com certeza.
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Nossa guia Anna foi absolutamente incrível! Ela é muito bem informada, mas também tem um ótimo senso de humor! Ela tornou o passeio muito emocionante e educativo! Estou muito feliz por termos escolhido a guia. Eu recomendo muito esse passeio! 10 em 10!
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Fomos a pé até o local a partir de um ponto externo, o que não esperávamos. Mas nosso guia era bem informado e agiu em um ritmo excelente, sem nos apressar. Vimos muito mais do local do que eu esperava, o que foi ótimo. Estávamos procurando um passeio de manhã cedo. Gostaríamos de ter subido o morro um pouco mais rápido para evitar o ataque das multidões, mas o guia trabalhou bem com isso. Dia frio e ótimas vistas.
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Estar fisicamente lá e depois aprender ainda mais sobre esse lugar icônico, sua história, seus mitos e lendas, tragédias e locais de entretenimento antigos e impressionantes - e muito mais - foi tão poderoso e estimulante. Eu não fiquei preso nem por um segundo. Nosso guia turístico era muito bem informado e fez com que tudo ganhasse vida de forma brilhante. Meu parceiro e eu adoramos a experiência de 3 a 4 horas totalmente absorvente.
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Excelente grupo de excursão e guia. Margarita era uma pessoa extremamente bem informada, que dedicou seu tempo e explicou a história da Acrópole e do museu. Altamente recomendado.
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Estávamos em um cruzeiro e precisávamos de um guia. Tivemos muita sorte quando ligamos e conseguimos uma vaga. Nossa guia foi FANTÁSTICA! Ela sabia o que estava fazendo e realmente se preocupava em contar a história. Ela foi a melhor guia turística que tivemos em nossa viagem de 10 dias. Ela fez a nossa viagem!
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Celina tornou o passeio excepcionalmente divertido e interessante. Suas informações eram compreensíveis e muito informativas. Ela respondeu a todas as perguntas com maestria. Uma experiência inesquecível. Muito obrigado
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Como cidadãos idosos, conseguimos subir e descer. Foi lindo e incrível, mas dormimos o resto da noite e na manhã seguinte. Mas eu faria tudo de novo, valeu a pena! Muito obrigado!
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A guia turística Nikki foi incrível. Ela realmente explicou tudo muito bem, nos ajudou a ver tudo e nos contou sobre a história de tudo o que vimos.
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A Acrópole e o Parthenon foram locais muito interessantes para visitar. Nossa guia, Lisa, foi excelente. Ela tinha um conhecimento incrível sobre a história da Grécia e apresentou as informações de uma forma interessante e, às vezes, bem-humorada. Ela manteve o grupo envolvido o tempo todo.
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Nosso guia, Jordan, foi um excelente anfitrião e contador de histórias. Ele tornou toda a experiência memorável e pudemos ter um vislumbre da história e das glórias do local.
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Essa foi uma experiência maravilhosa. Os guias turísticos eram fáceis de localizar, organizados e oportunos. A própria guia era muito bem informada, prestativa e amigável. Nosso grupo era de tamanho moderado; não tão grande que afetasse a capacidade dos guias de gerenciar e acompanhar os membros do grupo, nem afetasse sua capacidade de nos fornecer informações históricas sobre a acrópole e responder a perguntas.
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Uma excelente visita com nossa guia Eva, a quem parabenizo calorosamente pela qualidade de suas explicações e seu humor! Ela se adaptou brilhantemente a um grupo de todas as idades e nos levou a subir a colina e voltar no tempo. Muito bem, muito bem Eva! Adoramos sua visita maravilhosa ;)
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Nosso guia foi maravilhoso e ótimo em explicar as informações. Muito atencioso com nós, idosos, que precisávamos descansar no caminho.
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Nossa guia Eva foi ótima: interessante, encantadora.... A visita foi bem programada e o local é incrível❤️
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Todos Guia super amigável Conseguiu atrair a atenção de seu grupo usando humor e muitas anedotas
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Nossa guia turística foi excelente. Seu nome é Katarina. Além disso, a Key Tours nos reembolsou quando cometemos um erro, o que eu apreciei muito.
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A visita foi bem organizada, com um grupo pequeno apesar das multidões, mesmo em meados de outubro 😉 e nossa guia Ana foi muito simpática e profissional. Tivemos uma visita muito interessante, muito obrigado!
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Evan foi um guia turístico extremamente bem informado que explicou tudo com calma. Ele manteve o grupo unido, considerando a quantidade de pessoas que estavam na Acrópole. Gostamos muito de nossa experiência com a Key Yours e a recomendamos para qualquer pessoa que venha a Atenas! Obrigado por um momento memorável!!!
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Tina foi uma guia incrível! A quantidade certa de informações para nos manter interessados. Gostei do tamanho pequeno do grupo. Recomendo a Key Tours.
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O guia era muito bem informado e os fones de ouvido eram ótimos! Fizemos vários passeios em nossa viagem e os fones de ouvido sempre ficavam estáticos e entravam ou saíam. Esse passeio foi ótimo!
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O guia turístico foi ótimo. É claro que o local era ótimo A única crítica seria o fato de a rota do passeio não respeitar a abordagem original. Só seguimos essa rota em nossa descida da colina. Parece que entramos pela "porta dos fundos". Sabendo da importância da rota cerimonial até a acrópole, foi uma decepção ter perdido a experiência "adequada" do passeio. Dito isso, as informações fornecidas sobre a rota que fizemos foram informativas e bem apresentadas. Ainda assim, recomendaria a visita sem dúvida alguma. Quero dizer, é provavelmente o local mais importante a ser visitado se você estiver interessado no berço da civilização ocidental
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Nosso guia foi muito informativo e interativo. O grupo pequeno foi fantástico em comparação com alguns dos outros que vimos, que eram extremamente grandes.
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A guia que recebemos foi fantástica. Ela respondeu a todas as nossas perguntas idiotas e fez com que cada pergunta fosse importante. Eu era um pouco mais lento do que os outros e, antes de subir a colina, ela se certificou de que estávamos todos lá. Nossa guia tinha muito conhecimento e tornou tudo interessante, não apenas os fatos. Eu sou da costa oeste do Canadá, então essa foi uma experiência única na vida. Valeu a pena.
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Tínhamos uma reserva para as 10:00 e chegamos 10 minutos antes, conforme indicado no e-mail. Só saímos do escritório às 10h30 (sem nenhuma explicação). Por fim, o guia nos disse que não tínhamos vaga para entrar até as 10:45 e por isso nos fizeram esperar. A visita foi boa (muitas pessoas e engarrafamentos em alguns pontos), com uma guia muito bem informada e agradável. Dava para perceber que ela conhecia bem a história da Acrópole e do museu. Mas o fato de a visita ter sido 45 minutos mais tarde do que o planejado nos decepcionou, pois teríamos feito a reserva no horário anterior ou talvez pudéssemos ter descansado um pouco mais no hotel.
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Michael john thomas
We had an awesome guide and a great tour that explained many things that we couldn't possibly have known if done on our own Well done head out yours
Karin roland
1- don't forget sunscreen, comfortable shoes and a hat during the summer months 2 - bring plenty of water. 3- be prepared to hike!
Angeline b kendall
The queues were really long signs wait probably about 1or 2 hours. We were able to just walk in with no wait!
5% de desconto
Acrópole e Partenon
Museu da Acrópole
Acrópole e Partenon
Museu da Acrópole
Optamos pelo ingresso combinado, incluindo o guia de áudio. Não podemos compartilhar as críticas negativas sobre a realização do áudio. Achamos a orientação por voz fluente e compreensível e, graças ao geotracking, até intuitiva em alguns momentos. No geral, ficamos satisfeitos e nos sentimos bem informados. Muito obrigado
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Não é nada entediante, pois fornece muitas informações interessantes. Também é conveniente o fato de que o guia é atualizado automaticamente à medida que você se movimenta, explicando passo a passo o que está visitando.
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A Acrópole e o Parthenon são maravilhosos. As descrições do audioguia são muito ruins. As placas em inglês em frente às esculturas eram mais interessantes e detalhadas. Eu esperava que o audioguia se aproximasse muito mais desse nível de descrição.
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Foi muito fácil estar na entrada do local e entrar lá. O audioguia também foi uma maneira incrível de orientar e explicar os locais. Foi uma experiência maravilhosa!
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É muito fácil de usar! Inacreditável. Eu estava apreensivo, mas tudo correu bem. Você pode visitar o site quando quiser, e os comentários são acionados automaticamente assim que você chega. E se você quiser ouvir novamente, pode fazê-lo.
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Não conseguimos descobrir como baixar o guia de áudio da Acrópole, apesar de vários de nós termos tentado descobrir. Funcionou para o museu. Fora isso, funcionou muito bem!
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O museu é lindo, muito espaçoso e repleto de artefatos incríveis. O restaurante estava em uma localização fabulosa, com vistas espetaculares da Acrópole.
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Não pude usar o audioguia porque não estava em espanhol, que é meu idioma, apenas em inglês, e meu nível de inglês não é alto o suficiente para entender o vocabulário do museu. Acho que um audioguia deveria estar em mais idiomas.
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A operação de compra de ingressos é bastante simples e rápida. Infelizmente, por estar de férias e não ter uma impressora disponível, não consegui dobrar o papel e usá-lo como guia para as várias etapas da visita. A terceira etapa referente ao audioguia não está clara, pois o primeiro filtro indica que, ao comprar os ingressos, tenho direito a um dispositivo de áudio incluído no preço escolhido, mas, depois de pago, sou aconselhado a baixar um aplicativo para comprar o audioguia, com instruções em inglês e não no meu idioma. Depois descobri na entrada da Acrópole, perguntando aos guias, que não há audioguia para a Acrópole e isso não é correto!
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A Acroplis é de tirar o fôlego! Realmente magnífico! Você tem que ter visto essa! A Headout é altamente recomendada. Tudo é perfeitamente organizado e claro, e o itinerário incluído também é de primeira qualidade!
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O preço dos ingressos foi ótimo, e chegar à Acrópole a partir do porto de cruzeiros foi fácil com o ônibus público. O local era incrível e um dos destaques de nossa viagem à Itália, Grécia e Turquia. No entanto, o audioguia não foi uma boa opção, e o motivo foi que ele iniciava/parava ou pulava dependendo da sua localização geográfica (proximidade de qual ponto de interesse). Passamos muito tempo interagindo com o aplicativo para tentar pular para trás/para frente e obter informações sobre o que estávamos vendo... mas acabamos desistindo por frustração. Essa foi a experiência tanto da minha esposa quanto minha em dois telefones diferentes (portanto, não fui só eu). Minha recomendação seria simplesmente comprar os ingressos e ignorar o audioguia (taxa), que era uma cobrança extra, pois não funcionou para nós (pelo menos onde estávamos, ou em nosso dia específico).
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Em geral, é a melhor maneira de aproveitar uma visita à Acrópole. O guia de áudio é bem feito. Um pouco trabalhoso, mas barato. Portanto, vale a pena
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A excelente orientação sobre o smartphone e a maneira como o museu é organizado para mostrar a evolução da escultura em particular.
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As exposições e a arte tornaram a experiência muito memorável. Algumas das exposições eram absolutamente inspiradoras e gostei de ler as placas de acompanhamento, pois eram muito bem escritas e intrigantes.
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O sistema de reserva de ingressos funcionou bem. Foi uma ótima experiência voltar à história e admirar as maravilhas das ruínas antigas. Embora tenhamos chegado às 8h30 para uma entrada às 9h no final de outubro (fora de temporada), havia uma multidão de visitantes, especialmente dos muitos grupos de excursões dos navios de cruzeiro.
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Depois de ter estado lá, você sabe como tudo funciona. Perguntamos onde fazer a fila e, a partir daí, foi muito fácil. Fazer o download dos ingressos é definitivamente a melhor opção! Você passa direto por todas as LONGAS filas e vai direto para a área de entrada. É um pouco lotado até você passar pelo arco da propileia, mas depois se abre para as vistas mais incríveis! O tour de áudio da Clio Muse é excelente e você pode usá-lo no seu próprio ritmo. Foi um momento realmente maravilhoso no topo, bem como no museu no final. Nós nos dedicamos o dia inteiro para aproveitar tudo o que havia para aproveitar. Os professores são muito prestativos e estão mais do que dispostos a ajudar a orientá-lo da maneira mais eficiente de ver a Acrópole. O ônibus Hop-on-Hop-off foi uma ótima maneira de ir e voltar. Na verdade, estava tão lotado no caminho de volta que foram chamados ônibus adicionais para acomodar a multidão. Excelente trabalho da parte deles! Usaríamos esse serviço novamente? Com certeza!!! Obrigado por tornar nosso tempo lá uma experiência realmente maravilhosa!
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Adoramos nossa visita ao Museu da Acrópole, que agora é um dos nossos museus favoritos que já visitamos. Adorei caminhar sobre o piso de vidro e olhar para as ruínas escavadas. Ainda bem que compramos nossos ingressos sem fila. Sem dúvida, economizamos tempo.
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Boa experiência. Não foi fácil receber os guias de áudio de volta, mas depois que recebi, tudo correu muito bem. Talvez eles sejam um pouco completos demais e precisem ser atualizados, pois o itinerário não leva em conta certas obras/mudanças no local.
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Foi demais para o tempo que tínhamos, pois a Acrópole fechou uma hora depois de chegarmos. Portanto, informe a seus clientes que eles têm apenas uma hora se fizerem a reserva às 5 horas! Não sabíamos que suas informações diziam que o relógio era de 8 horas
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A própria Acropolsi e a convicção de comprar e usar ingressos. O que eu não gosto... é o fato de que, apesar de os ingressos terem _skip the line_ no título e na descrição - passei 1,5 hora na fila para entrar na Acrópole... algo suspeito aqui.
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Deve ser especificado que as crianças precisam de uma passagem gratuita e que é necessário um passaporte ou carteira de identidade para comprovar sua nacionalidade.
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Reclamei com a Clio muse tour sobre a impossibilidade de baixar o audioguia para a segunda pessoa; infelizmente, a Clio muse tour não conseguiu resolver o problema e sugeriu que eu entrasse em contato com a Headhout para obter um reembolso parcial, o que solicitei via Chat, sem sucesso, pois o robô não entendeu minha solicitação claramente escrita.
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Um pouco estressante com o ingresso, porque eles anunciam na página inicial que leva apenas 30 minutos para conseguir os ingressos. Na verdade, demorou 15 horas. Mas a Acrópole em si é única.
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Tivemos um dia lindo na Acrópole. A vista do Parthenon e de outros templos foi extraordinária. É difícil imaginar como esses edifícios foram construídos e duraram milhares de anos. Uma lembrança e tanto.
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O local estava muito cheio e, nas escadas do terreno, havia gritos furiosos para que eu continuasse andando. Não era permitido nem mesmo parar para admirar ou tirar fotos. Supervisores muito tensos. Uma sensação muito ruim em relação a algo que há anos era um sonho ver na vida real.
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15% de desconto
Passeio hop-on hop-off em Atenas
Acrópole e Partenon
Clique em here para ver os mapas detalhados das rotas e os pontos de embarque e here para ver os horários.
Linha Laranja: Atenas
Linha Azul: Piraeus
Linha Amarela: Glyfada
Linha Verde: Vouliagmeni
Você pode começar o passeio em qualquer parada, e embarcar e desembarcar quantas vezes quiser durante a validade do seu passe.
Passeio hop-on hop-off em Atenas
Acrópole e Partenon
Funcionou. Tive um pequeno problema com o código de reserva (minha falta de familiaridade com o aplicativo). Iniciei uma consulta por texto e recebi uma resposta rápida. Em seguida, encontrei o código. Depois disso, tudo correu bem.
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A experiência em si foi boa. Mas eu reservei (via google) um ingresso para o MUSEU da Acrópole. No final, acabou sendo um ingresso para a Acrópole (onde já tínhamos ido alguns dias antes). Então liguei para a Headout. Eles disseram que não eram responsáveis pelo reembolso, que eu deveria ligar para a Key Tours. (Eu havia comprado vários ingressos na Key Tours antes, então achei que eles ajudariam (por centenas de euros). Em seguida, a Key Tours disse que não era responsável e que eu deveria entrar em contato com a Head out. Na Head out, recebi um número da Key Tours no Reino Unido e nos EUA. Quando comecei a ligar, pensei que isso me custaria muito mais dinheiro em contas telefônicas, então parei. Decidimos então ir à Acrópole pela segunda vez. ATENDIMENTO RUIM AO CLIENTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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A visita em si foi absolutamente incrível. Conseguir os ingressos on-line naquela manhã foi fácil, mas tive problemas para conseguir o tour em áudio pelo aplicativo. Mesmo assim, conseguimos ler muitas informações nas placas espalhadas pelo local.
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Chegamos por volta das 10 horas e não estava muito perigoso, seja porque quando subimos o morro, eventualmente sat-sat ipo, havia alguns turistas esperando pelo morro... É melhor comprar os ingressos on-line.
Esta avaliação foi traduzida. Ver a avaliação original.
Minha experiência na Acrópole foi boa, só ressalto que o audioguia não era para visitar a Acrópole, mas para visitar o bairro de Plaka, em inglês (muito próximo à Acrópole). Se você tiver tempo e souber inglês, eu o recomendo, pois ele mostra lugares que eu não teria visitado por conta própria e foi útil porque não fiz um tour. A experiência no templo de Poseidon foi muito boa, pois foi pontual, o ônibus que nos levou estava bem equipado (havia wifi e espaço para carregar nossos telefones) e tínhamos guias de áudio para o passeio ao Cabo Sounion.
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Altamente recomendado e sem defeitos! Tudo correu muito bem. Nessa excursão, usamos o portão sul como entrada, o que foi ótimo porque pudemos ver primeiro o teatro de Dionísio e depois a Acrópole. A excursão valeu muito a pena e eu recomendo usar o serviço deles.
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O problema era simples. O horário de fechamento da Acrópole não estava claro. Quando chegamos lá, fomos informados de que a Acrópole fechava às 17h, portanto, tendo reservado para as 16h, tínhamos pouco tempo para uma visita completa.
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Meus amigos e eu gostamos do fato de que reservamos e entramos no horário em que reservamos, o que facilita a caminhada e a contemplação dos locais. Essa foi uma boa maneira de explorar a área!
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Como os aspectos negativos que encontramos no ônibus Hop On Hop Off não foram mencionados acima, eu gostaria de usar este espaço para mencionar nossos problemas "não tão favoráveis". O áudio do nosso ônibus não era nada bom. Parecia que a conexão dos nossos fones de ouvido estava com defeito, mas ao mudar de assento e pegar novos fones de ouvido, pudemos perceber que a falha estava definitivamente no próprio sistema de som. Muito ruim e muito abafado. Os assentos do ônibus eram pequenos demais para duas pessoas sentarem, mas o número de assentos era muito limitado. Sentamos no andar de baixo, pois o ônibus estava cheio no andar de cima. Com meu marido e eu no assento, eu estava literalmente sentada com o bumbum no parapeito da janela do ônibus. Não era nada confortável, e isso fez com que eu ficasse com um hematoma feio na coxa. Ficamos sentados no ônibus por cerca de quatro paradas até decidirmos descer, pois estávamos muito desconfortáveis. Algumas pessoas do nosso grupo foram obrigadas a se sentar em uma prateleira de pacotes na parte de trás do ônibus, só para terem onde se sentar! Tínhamos ingressos para um passe de dois dias, mas depois de menos de meio dia, nunca mais conseguimos voltar. Essa foi a maior decepção e desperdício de dinheiro em nossas duas semanas de férias. Aproveitamos o desconto de 10% nos ingressos para a Acrópole e o Partenon e adoramos cada parte desse passeio autoguiado. No entanto, não recomendo de forma alguma essa operadora de ônibus HOHO em particular. Talvez haja outras melhores, mas foi uma grande despesa e não correspondeu às expectativas.
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É prático para ir até ao Porto de cruzeiros no entanto esta companhia era a mais desorganizada, com os guias a dar informações contraditórias. Para voltar havia poucos autocarros o que fez como que chegássemos muito tarde ao barco.
Os motoristas não forneceram informações claras. Os motoristas, em sua maioria, não conseguiam conversar em inglês ou não estavam interessados. Não eram profissionais o suficiente para um ponto turístico como Atenas.
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Com relação ao audioguia, comprei ingressos para o Akropolis, então esperava o audioguia do Akropolis. Em vez disso, era o guia MUITO mais barato para os locais que eu já havia visitado. Além disso, ir no primeiro dia de preços mais baixos fora de temporada foi um erro - muitos fizeram o mesmo, então as multidões eram ENORMES.
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Fomos relativamente cedo, antes das 9h e até as 10h, foi possível caminhar e admirar toda a Acrópole sem nenhum inconveniente, mas depois das 10h havia tantas pessoas e multidões que tivemos que deixar o local.
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O motorista do ônibus hoho com passeios turísticos não aceitou nossos vouchers e não nos deixou entrar no ônibus. Perdemos o passeio de acropolipse. 20 minutos depois, um guia de outra empresa de turismo explicou ao mesmo motorista, quando ele retornou à sua rota, que deveríamos ter permissão para entrar. No entanto, era tarde demais, pois perdemos o último passeio do dia. Felizmente, chegamos lá no dia seguinte e os ingressos sem fila economizaram bastante tempo.
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A Akropolis é excelente. A comunicação com a headout foi perfeita. Especialmente as instruções adicionais foram ótimas. Sempre que quiser!
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Ao fazer a reserva, fui informado de que os ingressos seriam enviados para meu endereço de e-mail. Não foi esse o caso, tive que baixar o aplicativo Headout. Muito estúpido, pois não confio no aplicativo. E os preços dos ingressos eram muito caros. No local, um ingresso de adulto custa apenas € 20.
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Minha visita à Acropilis foi incrível. Fui sozinho por volta das 17 horas. As vistas eram de tirar o fôlego, embora estivesse um pouco lotado. Mesmo assim, tirei ótimas fotos e as pessoas se ofereceram para tirar fotos para mim. No entanto, nunca recebi o equipamento de áudio. Quando cheguei à bilheteria, alguém me indicou o caminho para que meu ingresso fosse escaneado. Nunca me ofereceram o equipamento de áudio.
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Ficamos realmente impressionados com a Acrópole. As rotas de caminhada foram bem planejadas e as placas informativas. Um trabalho de restauração incrível foi feito desde a última vez que vi o Parthenon, há 25 anos! Eu recomendo muito a visita. A equipe também foi prestativa e as filas foram gerenciadas com eficiência.
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A conveniência de entrar e sair em qualquer estação que desejar. Além disso, o segundo dia é gratuito com 1 preço. Adoro a vista de Atenas dos andares superiores do ônibus.
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Logística correta, tempo consistente, dia lindo, Acrópole como o centro de nossa civilização, uma experiência que eu repetiria
Ver a avaliação original em italiano
A Acrópole é imbatível, uma visita obrigatória em Atenas. O processo foi totalmente tranquilo, mas o audioguia não é claramente reconhecível quanto ao seu funcionamento e a referência ao bilhete original é confusa
Ver a avaliação original em alemão
Fiquei desapontado com o conteúdo do áudio. Quase não houve compartilhamento de fatos históricos. 80% do passeio foi música tocando.
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Optamos por visitar a Akropolis logo pela manhã, às 8h, o que foi perfeito, pois as multidões ainda eram pequenas, o clima estava agradável, mas fresco e, depois que terminamos de explorar, eram apenas 10h, portanto, havia muito tempo para fazer outras coisas durante o dia. Bem, pelo menos eu acredito que sim, vale a pena, pois você pode literalmente sentir a energia quando está lá.
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Boa tarde, senhor e senhora, Obrigado por realizar esta pesquisa de satisfação. A menos que eu esteja enganado, o ingresso é vendido com o nome "Acrópole e Parthenon com audioguia". No entanto, no meu bilhete eletrônico, o guia de áudio para download era "Exploring PLAKA: the old town of Athens". Procurei o guia de áudio sobre a Acrópole, mas ele era pago. Continuei minha visita sem o guia de áudio. A equipe do local é profissional e acolhedora. Com os melhores cumprimentos, Imad
Ver a avaliação original em francês
Fácil acesso aos bilhetes móveis e conseguimos usar nossos bilhetes para a entrada da Acrópole e para o ônibus HOHO. Valeu muito a pena. Minha visita a Atenas foi incrível. Os funcionários do ônibus HOHO eram bem informados.
Ver a avaliação original em inglês
Suzanne Boyer
Nov 2024
Stories about the Acropolis were great. The museum was very interesting. Particularly the underground.
Olga M Crerar
Nov 2024
The starting point was easy to find. The audio equipment worked well. Our guide was passionate about the ruins and the Greek history. She provided interesting information and explanations along the way and while viewing the ruins.
Suzanne Boyer
Nov 2024
Stories about the Acropolis were great. The museum was very interesting. Particularly the underground.
Olga M Crerar
Nov 2024
The starting point was easy to find. The audio equipment worked well. Our guide was passionate about the ruins and the Greek history. She provided interesting information and explanations along the way and while viewing the ruins.
Ann Ackerson
Oct 2024
Museums can be overwhelming and having our guide pick out the highlights was illuminating and streamlined.
Janne Merete Rovik
Oct 2024
It's an excellent way to get the highlights and to learn more about the historical site. The guide we had spoke English well, but had an Eastern European accent with a lot of s- sounds. It can be challenging to catch all the info if your guide speaks with an accent.
McKenzie Hetterle
Oct 2024
The guided tour made our experience of the Acropolis much more enjoyable. It was easy to forget the crowds were there as she talked through the history of what we were seeing. The group size was perfect, as we didn't feel overlooked. The guide was able to give undivided attention to those with questions about what we were viewing.
kate hurley
Oct 2024
helped us visualise the ancient scene and make sense of the ruins.Irene was dynamic at a hot time of day to keep us all engaged.
Olga M Crerar
Nov 2024
We started with this tour, had a delicious light lunch at the Acropolis museum, and then went to a food to top off the day.
Cassandra Sue Daggett
Oct 2024
We were not able to do the museum related to my friend being too tired. Would have love to have seen that.
Olga M Crerar
Nov 2024
We started with this tour, had a delicious light lunch at the Acropolis museum, and then went to a food to top off the day.
Cassandra Sue Daggett
Oct 2024
We were not able to do the museum related to my friend being too tired. Would have love to have seen that.
Danielle Avery
Oct 2024
Afterward, we were able to tour under the museum but, my husband and I decided to have a delicious lunch in Plaka beforehand. It's nice you can re-enter the museum with your ticket. Our tour guide was very thorough. I'm so glad we got her!
Donette Brooks
Oct 2024
Had Greek yogurt at Fresko Yogut Bar Acropoli. So good!!! This was our meeting point. Went back after our tour specifically to get some. Food at the museum was delicious!!
Sara Patrícia Vale Guimaraes
Oct 2024
I went for a good meal and a did a good nap. I only have one activity a day when I'm on holidays. Holidays are for resting.
susan george
Oct 2024
2 hour driving tour of Athens 6 stops all great We walked up to see changing of guards at Parliament building Walked through Plaka on way back to hotel from Acropolis
Rebecca Chalsen
Sep 2024
We landed in Athens around 8pm and walked around the Plaka region, explored Hadrian's Library, checked into our hotel, grabbed sandwiches for lunch, and then met Georgina at 4:30pm. Afterwards, we grabbed gyros and headed back to the hotel to sleep!
Brandy Williams
Sep 2024
After the acropolis and the museum, we went to get freshened up and treated ourselves to a wonderful hamam!
Cherrie Cindric
Sep 2024
Hiked to the top of lycobettus hill for a panoramic of the acropolis and the entire expansive city of Athens! Wow!
Gail Nelson
Sep 2024
Took the museum tour as well. By the time we were finished, we were exhausted! Looked for cold beer and lunch!
Karen Dentremont
Sep 2024
We walked to Plaka, ate lunch, did a little shopping, took a nap, took a vegan cooking class, and had drinks on the rooftop of our hotel.
Carol Emberton
Sep 2024
We visited the Acropolis museum, which is a must-see! Absolutely amazing how they have managed to re-create a replica of the Parthenon. We also strolled through the city centre's gardens and watched the changing of the guards outside the Presidential Palace which was incredible - a real treat!
Gabrielle Kot
Sep 2024
Elena was beyond spectacular! She was funny, knowledgeable and engaging. Highly recommend this tour just for her!
Graham Heal
Sep 2024
Had lunch in Plaka, this had been recommended by friends and the guide also stated it was a nice place to visit. There is also so much history to see in & around the area
Sep 2024
Very good guide, with an excellent knowledge of the monuments and excellent english. I would suggest to the agency to create a "beta" version of the tour, giving less details on each monument and probably of a slightly less duration. Some people do not want to get so deap in the the history
Vivian Benci
Sep 2024
We arrived from the USA that morning, checked into our hotel (Klepsydra Urban Suites-excellent!!) and slept a few hours before having lunch and walking to meet our tour guide for the Acropolis.
stacie leonard
Sep 2024
Acropolis and the museum. Then we called under the museum around the excavation which was ama big to see.
Glenn M. Page
Sep 2024
Visited the Acropolis Museum, had a nice lunch at a place recommended by the tour guide, and enjoyed a walk through the Plaka Agora, including shopping and dinner.
Marian Scheuer
Sep 2024
We ate lunch at the Acropolis museum, which was good, and we went to the Cycladic Museum later in the day.
Simon Johnson
Sep 2024
The museum at the end of the guide. I did this in my own time but I could've carried on with the guided tour for a small addition fee.
Carolynne Branch-Spadaro
Aug 2024
We saw the accropolis and the museum this day. Both were excellent. We didn't really do anything else that day because we were coming off of a cruise.
Suzanne Boyer
Nov 2024
Stories about the Acropolis were great. The museum was very interesting. Particularly the underground.
Olga M Crerar
Nov 2024
The starting point was easy to find. The audio equipment worked well. Our guide was passionate about the ruins and the Greek history. She provided interesting information and explanations along the way and while viewing the ruins.
Suzanne Boyer
Nov 2024
Stories about the Acropolis were great. The museum was very interesting. Particularly the underground.
Olga M Crerar
Nov 2024
The starting point was easy to find. The audio equipment worked well. Our guide was passionate about the ruins and the Greek history. She provided interesting information and explanations along the way and while viewing the ruins.
Ann Ackerson
Oct 2024
Museums can be overwhelming and having our guide pick out the highlights was illuminating and streamlined.
Janne Merete Rovik
Oct 2024
It's an excellent way to get the highlights and to learn more about the historical site. The guide we had spoke English well, but had an Eastern European accent with a lot of s- sounds. It can be challenging to catch all the info if your guide speaks with an accent.
McKenzie Hetterle
Oct 2024
The guided tour made our experience of the Acropolis much more enjoyable. It was easy to forget the crowds were there as she talked through the history of what we were seeing. The group size was perfect, as we didn't feel overlooked. The guide was able to give undivided attention to those with questions about what we were viewing.
kate hurley
Oct 2024
helped us visualise the ancient scene and make sense of the ruins.Irene was dynamic at a hot time of day to keep us all engaged.
Olga M Crerar
Nov 2024
We started with this tour, had a delicious light lunch at the Acropolis museum, and then went to a food to top off the day.
Cassandra Sue Daggett
Oct 2024
We were not able to do the museum related to my friend being too tired. Would have love to have seen that.
Olga M Crerar
Nov 2024
We started with this tour, had a delicious light lunch at the Acropolis museum, and then went to a food to top off the day.
Cassandra Sue Daggett
Oct 2024
We were not able to do the museum related to my friend being too tired. Would have love to have seen that.
Danielle Avery
Oct 2024
Afterward, we were able to tour under the museum but, my husband and I decided to have a delicious lunch in Plaka beforehand. It's nice you can re-enter the museum with your ticket. Our tour guide was very thorough. I'm so glad we got her!
Donette Brooks
Oct 2024
Had Greek yogurt at Fresko Yogut Bar Acropoli. So good!!! This was our meeting point. Went back after our tour specifically to get some. Food at the museum was delicious!!
Sara Patrícia Vale Guimaraes
Oct 2024
I went for a good meal and a did a good nap. I only have one activity a day when I'm on holidays. Holidays are for resting.
susan george
Oct 2024
2 hour driving tour of Athens 6 stops all great We walked up to see changing of guards at Parliament building Walked through Plaka on way back to hotel from Acropolis
Rebecca Chalsen
Sep 2024
We landed in Athens around 8pm and walked around the Plaka region, explored Hadrian's Library, checked into our hotel, grabbed sandwiches for lunch, and then met Georgina at 4:30pm. Afterwards, we grabbed gyros and headed back to the hotel to sleep!
Brandy Williams
Sep 2024
After the acropolis and the museum, we went to get freshened up and treated ourselves to a wonderful hamam!
Cherrie Cindric
Sep 2024
Hiked to the top of lycobettus hill for a panoramic of the acropolis and the entire expansive city of Athens! Wow!
Gail Nelson
Sep 2024
Took the museum tour as well. By the time we were finished, we were exhausted! Looked for cold beer and lunch!
Karen Dentremont
Sep 2024
We walked to Plaka, ate lunch, did a little shopping, took a nap, took a vegan cooking class, and had drinks on the rooftop of our hotel.
Carol Emberton
Sep 2024
We visited the Acropolis museum, which is a must-see! Absolutely amazing how they have managed to re-create a replica of the Parthenon. We also strolled through the city centre's gardens and watched the changing of the guards outside the Presidential Palace which was incredible - a real treat!
Gabrielle Kot
Sep 2024
Elena was beyond spectacular! She was funny, knowledgeable and engaging. Highly recommend this tour just for her!
Graham Heal
Sep 2024
Had lunch in Plaka, this had been recommended by friends and the guide also stated it was a nice place to visit. There is also so much history to see in & around the area
Sep 2024
Very good guide, with an excellent knowledge of the monuments and excellent english. I would suggest to the agency to create a "beta" version of the tour, giving less details on each monument and probably of a slightly less duration. Some people do not want to get so deap in the the history
Vivian Benci
Sep 2024
We arrived from the USA that morning, checked into our hotel (Klepsydra Urban Suites-excellent!!) and slept a few hours before having lunch and walking to meet our tour guide for the Acropolis.
stacie leonard
Sep 2024
Acropolis and the museum. Then we called under the museum around the excavation which was ama big to see.
Glenn M. Page
Sep 2024
Visited the Acropolis Museum, had a nice lunch at a place recommended by the tour guide, and enjoyed a walk through the Plaka Agora, including shopping and dinner.
Marian Scheuer
Sep 2024
We ate lunch at the Acropolis museum, which was good, and we went to the Cycladic Museum later in the day.
Simon Johnson
Sep 2024
The museum at the end of the guide. I did this in my own time but I could've carried on with the guided tour for a small addition fee.
Carolynne Branch-Spadaro
Aug 2024
We saw the accropolis and the museum this day. Both were excellent. We didn't really do anything else that day because we were coming off of a cruise.
Robert Anderson
Oct 2024
Magda did our tour and she was amazing!!! She taught us so much about Greek cultures on top of all the history of the Acropolis.
Danielle Avery
Oct 2024
Definitely book the tour. Especially if learning the history is important to you. Wear good walking shoes and don't bring and food or drinks outside of water. Afterwards, their is a cafe and shop in the museum to pick up souvenirs.
Robert Anderson
Oct 2024
Magda did our tour and she was amazing!!! She taught us so much about Greek cultures on top of all the history of the Acropolis.
Danielle Avery
Oct 2024
Definitely book the tour. Especially if learning the history is important to you. Wear good walking shoes and don't bring and food or drinks outside of water. Afterwards, their is a cafe and shop in the museum to pick up souvenirs.
Helen Allen
Oct 2024
Interesting tour guide with excellent knowledge and expresssed her knowledge in a fun and informative manner.
Donette Brooks
Oct 2024
Definitely do this tour!! It was the best. Helen our guide was fantastic. Whisper headsets made this enjoyable. Included tickets made this seamless. Easy way to see the best of Athens.
Ian Bostock
Oct 2024
Even in early October it can be very warm in the afternoon (27 to 30 degrees) so I would say choose a morning visit starting around 8.30am Wear good footwear with good tread as the marble and stone steps and walkways can get a little slippery Be patient (not my strongpoint!!) but it's going to be busy and some people will need a little bit longer to navigate the steps .,. but you'll get up there and it's well worth those extra few minutes
Mona Sallam
Oct 2024
A guided tour to Acopolis is a must. Better early morning or late afternoon during summer to avoid heat of midday sun. A good pair of walking shoes with non-slip soles. A bottle of cold water to keep well hydrated.
Oct 2024
I can share our experience. We stayed very close to Monastiraki, so we could walk in front of Fresko Yogurt Bar in 15 minutes via using the Google Maps. But I can recommend to visit plaka region after the acropolis museum visit.
susan george
Oct 2024
Book ahead of time online so you have options as what time of day to go. We happen to have a driving tour planned with" Welcome Pick ups" 2 hours prior which worked out great because he was kind enough to drop us off at Acropolis area saving us us the walk up which was great.
Gervase Taylor
Sep 2024
Always best to book guide/tickets in advance so no waiting. Our tour was on a Sunday & I think most places offer free entry on Sundays however it was very crowded.
Rebecca Chalsen
Sep 2024
Definitely book a guided tour, as well as the tour of the Acropolis Museum. Georgina was the most perfect guide, so kind and funny and intelligent, and we spent a few magical hours under her tutelage through the Parthenon/Acropolis and the Museum. We toured the Acropolis from 4:30pm-630pm/7pm or so, and then went to the museum afterwards - the museum was nearly empty, which was surreal and so moving. Wear sneakers and bring water!
Brandy Williams
Sep 2024
The best tip I could recommend would be to give yourself PLENTY of time beforehand to find the meeting point, eat something for breakfast because you're going to be doing a lot of walking, and lastly stay hydrated!
Sep 2024
Our tour guide did a wonderful job. Very knowledgeable, clear instructions . Took an Uber from hotel to meeting area. Guide was excellent at keeping us together as a group. Wear good shoes as noted on website to the Acropolis. Walk up is on rough ground.
Angeline B Kendall
Sep 2024
Its hot and a lot of walking. Our guide was really good about stopping in shade right when we needed it. She gave us so much information on the history while we rested up for the next climb!
Duncan Ethell
Sep 2024
Be prepared to walk, lots of hills. Take water and refine at the Parthenon for free Plan on lunch at the museaum
Daniel Janoska
Sep 2024
Meet at the office ontime, wear comfortable shoes, take lots of photos, spend some time looking at the city from above
Gail Nelson
Sep 2024
Be prepared for the climb to the top. Be prepared for the hundreds of people on different tours heading to the top. Be prepared for the heat. Bring water and know there is no toilet until you get down.
Denise Diane Schultz
Sep 2024
Read reviews. Book online. Get to the meeting place in good time. Wear good walking shoes, take a hat and water. Be patient when there are crowds.
Gabrielle Kot
Sep 2024
- definitely show up early - engage in the process! - ask questions, our guide was so open to everyone's questions
Graham Heal
Sep 2024
Book early and check out routes, how you will get there, the meeting point is just off a main road where trams/buses run An easy walk from our hotel aided by Google maps. Sunscreen & hats as it is all in the open with very little shade. I was concerned that my partner may not be able to do the distance/terrain but it was a very mixed group and the guide didn't rush people along.
Esty Lipkin
Sep 2024
My best 2 tips for visiting the Acropolis would be: 1.I would highly recommend booking a guided tour, it is really a different experience to visit the archaeological site with someone who explains what you are looking at. 2. In the hot season, book an early visit because it can be very hot to climb the Acropolis under the sun.
Victoria Thi Phuong Dung Nguyen
Sep 2024
A guided tour gave me the opportunity to understand the history and beliefs of the Acropolis but also the history of Greece. The tour guid is a better experience then self guided. You can ask questions about the Acropolis but also other things about Greece. Met new people on the tour.
Melissa Regan
Sep 2024
Seems like it would be crowded anytime, but early in the morning probably best with late afternoon also good
Steven Blayney
Sep 2024
Book in advance. Leave plenty of time to get to the meeting point. Bring water! Use the toilet before starting.
Maria Magdalena Gadea
Sep 2024
You should ask the members of the group regarding age pr disability in order to adapt the rithm for all. Also elder people should have a discount on tickets
Janet Yule
Sep 2024
All should be prepared for quite a large group of people/tourists all trying to see the same sights. Our guide helped extremely with this.
Justine Suh
Sep 2024
When I got there at 8:15AM for the 8:30AM tour, I was told by the tour office that it was going to start at 9AM. I think a notification that the tour would start 30 minutes late would have helped. I was sitting waiting for 45 minutes as a result. I could have had breakfast at the hotel if I had known I would have to wait that long.
Sep 2024
Choose morning hours to manage heat. Always have water and a hat. Better if you can avoid July - August, which are the most demanded months
Deepak Krishnagopal Maheshwari
Sep 2024
Carry your own earphones. The ones provided don't fit well. Mine kept falling off. A fellow tourist in the group loaned me his spare.
Eric Arion
Sep 2024
Can take x80 bus from cruise port to the Acropolis. But returning, line was incredibly long and bus could not take all people waiting and did not stop at next stop for those waiting there You can get back to the cruise port by the.metro/subway and then a short bus ride (947) I believe, to the actual cruise docks (port in Athens is HUGE!
Lisa Clark
Sep 2024
Book a tour for the Acropolis! It's crazy crowded up there! Getting around Athens can also be nuts, so plan your driving or bus ride in advance to give yourself time to walk/park, etc. Bring an umbrella if it looks like rain. Have sturdy shoes - the stones are slippery - especially when wet!
stacie leonard
Sep 2024
The mtg place took awhile to locate and our maps didn't always work. Once there all went well. Our guide was friendly and very knowledgeable.
Che Hale
Sep 2024
We had a short walk from the tram to the tour office where we checked in and meet with our guide. Give yourself some extra time in case there are any issues. The walk to the Acropolis is short but you will be climbing to the top. Annastasia, our guide, had wonderful engaging informative stories that enriched the experience. The museum tour is also great. Annastasia hit all of the highlights and important information.
Annalisa domenica Crogliano
Sep 2024
Book an early visit, bring water and a hat with you, wear comfortable shoes because it can be slippery
Julia Mayhew
Sep 2024
When considering the price of the entry to the acropolis it is well worth the price for a guided tour. Easy meet up location, bring water!
Karin Roland
Sep 2024
1- don't forget sunscreen, comfortable shoes and a hat during the summer months 2 - bring plenty of water. 3- be prepared to hike!
Susan Jimmieson
Sep 2024
Book skip the line tickets. A must as the crowds are long. Go tour the ruins with a guide for the history of this magic place. A must do.
Marian Scheuer
Sep 2024
Margarita Xagorari was an excellent guide. She was very informative and also kind (finding shady places to stop). She paced the tour well. She is easy to understand and good at explaining Greek history. I recommend her very highly and will tell friends about her.
Shannon Innis
Sep 2024
If you have hearing aids bring your case so you can take one out for the ear bud they give you to hear your guide. Wear comfortable walking shoes and bring a bottle of water. It is a steep climb to the top and so many surfaces are not level.
Simon Johnson
Sep 2024
Wear comfort And grippy shoes. Some parts of the path are original stone and can be a little slippery
Elaine Downey
Sep 2024
Visit early morning, to avoid queues. Wear good footwear not flip-flops. Bring water, wear sunscreen & hat or keep neck & shoulders covered. There is a water font to refill your bottle & toilets on the acropolis.
Emma Saltzberg
Sep 2024
Bring water Path is uneven and challenging - no mobility issues Be careful not to trip Wear shoes with good traction Keep up with the guide/pay attention to where she is
Michael Scott Sarver
Sep 2024
Lots to do in Athens and surrounding areas. Do your homework and don't be afraid to use a travel agent to help you.
javier ramos
Aug 2024
Before you even arrive in country, you should set up a mobile/Cellular plan. It makes it easy to travel around the city using your phone. Do research on the location you want to visit. Bring currency for the country you're visiting. and stay hydrated.
Robert Anderson
Oct 2024
We did not have to wait in line at the Acropolis, it was 8:15 am when we got there on a Wednesday and it didn't get crowded until later on.
Danielle Avery
Oct 2024
It was a 4 hour tour overall but we had practically no wait time as our guide took us through the side entrance of the Acropolis. If you see the lines for regular entry you'll be glad you bought a tour. She also prepared us for a smooth entry at the museum.
Robert Anderson
Oct 2024
We did not have to wait in line at the Acropolis, it was 8:15 am when we got there on a Wednesday and it didn't get crowded until later on.
Danielle Avery
Oct 2024
It was a 4 hour tour overall but we had practically no wait time as our guide took us through the side entrance of the Acropolis. If you see the lines for regular entry you'll be glad you bought a tour. She also prepared us for a smooth entry at the museum.
Robert Tolfree
Oct 2024
Didn't have to wait long. Was informed to meet at a certain point at a certain time and the guide was there.
Sara Patrícia Vale Guimaraes
Oct 2024
Not long. Perfectly acceptable for the month of September and in one of the most visited places in the world
Allan Brown
Oct 2024
Not very long at all..... I would say approximately two to three minutes..... Very busy on the site.....
Brandy Williams
Sep 2024
We saved a lot of time having purchased the tickets in advance. Unfortunately for us, the day we went to the acropolis it was also a free day for the general public because of a holiday. The lines were long and it was extremely overcrowded!
Adrienne Andrew
Sep 2024
Only had to wait about 5 minutes to get into the museum. I saw others waiting much longer who were not in a tour.
Angeline B Kendall
Sep 2024
The queues were really long signs wait probably about 1or 2 hours. We were able to just walk in with no wait!
Duncan Ethell
Sep 2024
Had to wait at the Acropolis. 15 mins Straight through at the meshed. Would have had to wait at least half an hour without a guide.
Daniel Janoska
Sep 2024
We went early in the morning, the queues were short and the tour company had our tickets ready which made the process much smoother
Carol Emberton
Sep 2024
We waited a short while at yhe meeting point for our group to assemble. There was no queue or waiting time to enter the Acropolis entry gate. However, once inside the masses of people made it difficult to move around. There was plenty of shouting from Acropolis officials telling people to "move along" which meant it was impossible to savour and appreciate the magnificence of it all. It was extremely over crowded and we got there early in yhe morning. By the time we left, 45 minutes later, the snaking queue of people climbing up to yhe Acropolis was astonishing!
Denise Diane Schultz
Sep 2024
There were loads of people both at the central office and at the Acropolis and Museum, so I was relieved the tickets were bought already, but cannot really say how much time was saved.
Jacqueline Marshall
Sep 2024
Thankfully we booked a morning tour. Crowds were challenging at times and lost sight of tour guide several times. Crowds are a problem for sure but sadly a reality
Leoni Roberts
Sep 2024
Not long at all, we waited less than 5 mins to get through security/ ticket checks to get to the acropolis.
Sean Daley
Sep 2024
We went straight in past the queues. Saved us at least 20 minutes standing in the heat to buy tickets.
Graham Heal
Sep 2024
We used a different entrance on the day to the one we had used the day previously where the length of both ticket/entry queues in open sun were horrendous. The queue at the entry we used with the guide wasn't too bad at all and I suspect most people use the other entrance
Amanda Burton
Sep 2024
We were quickly and easily checked in. And we're able to find our tour guide. I can't imagine trying to find how and where to purchase our tickets if we had not done it online. So we saved quite a bit of time and hassle getting them online. It pays to plan ahead.
Henrik steno
Sep 2024
We did not wait, since we arrived at 8:42. But the queu IF we wanted to buy a ticket as a normal vistitor, the queu looked long, but impossible to estimate how long waiting time we would endure.
Julie Bellanca
Sep 2024
We were not able to "skip" the line completely, but it was nice to have our guide provide us direction with lines.
Sep 2024
The queues where manageable, it is good that Acropolis has instaured specific hours for each tour to start
Lisa Clark
Sep 2024
The line wasn't terrible because it was earlier in the day - but we definitely were able to get right in. The guide helped us find good stopping points in the heavy crowds with good views.
Angelique Bloodworth
Sep 2024
We did not have to wait on entry at all since we were early. The most waiting we did was for other members of the group to get through which was not long at all!
Shannon Innis
Sep 2024
It was fast and easy to book our tickets online! When we showed up at the meeting point we received our entry tickets to the Acropolis and a hearing device which made it effortless to hear our guide!
Simon Johnson
Sep 2024
No queue at the office waiting for Maria, this part was very fast. Queues to the Acropolis appeared long but were very fast moving. Having an online ticket meant I didn't have to wait in line at the ticket office to then wait in the entry line
Nancy Ann Norman
Sep 2024
Although the guide was very knowleagble and really nice, our group (there were 6 of us) recommend that she talk less, so the tour has more walking and less stopping.
Jane E Schilling
Sep 2024
Less than people waiting to buy tickets by probably an hour. We waited 5 or 10 minutes until our time slot opened
Carolynne Branch-Spadaro
Aug 2024
We didn't have to wait at all because we had timmed tickets. We were also there at the peak sun of the day, which was sort of a blessing even though it was super hot, because the crowds were lower.
Oct 2024
We weren't sure we had enough history knowledge to appreciate the Acropolis without a guide. We are so pleased we did the tour. Alita ( Maybe Arita) our guide was exceptional. Her knowledge and stories made it a true highlight..
Danielle Avery
Oct 2024
My husband is a history buff and wanted us to get a more detailed tour of both the Acropolis and the museum.
Oct 2024
We weren't sure we had enough history knowledge to appreciate the Acropolis without a guide. We are so pleased we did the tour. Alita ( Maybe Arita) our guide was exceptional. Her knowledge and stories made it a true highlight..
Danielle Avery
Oct 2024
My husband is a history buff and wanted us to get a more detailed tour of both the Acropolis and the museum.
Robert Tolfree
Oct 2024
To hear more in-depth information on the visit. Just walking around looking at things doesn't provide enough information.
Carmen Harris
Oct 2024
This tour guide was absolutely perfect. It was so nice to have a guide that really explained everything and really showed us a nice time.
Donette Brooks
Oct 2024
We had a difficult time finding other options for the tour we wanted- Acropolis & Museum guided tour with entry tickets. Decided to take a chance on this tour. We were a bit nervous about using Headout. Best decision ever!!! Tour was AMAZING
Ian Bostock
Oct 2024
We wanted to make sure we made the most of our time at the Acropolis and Parthenon and felt the best way to do this was to join a small guided group. Beware some tour groups are just way too big and I really think some people probably didn't have a very good experience - they mainly seemed to be from cruise ships.
Sara Patrícia Vale Guimaraes
Oct 2024
As a history lover , I prefer a guided tour with someone who knows how to give me a different perspective on the monuments we're visiting.
Allan Brown
Oct 2024
The tour was extremely informative & our guide who's name I can not remember other than it began with the letter 'V' was an absolute delight..... There was nothing she did not know or do for you during the tour..... An absolute professional in her work.... Thank you.
Giovan Giuseppe Scannapieco
Oct 2024
A guided tour helps you learn much more about history without having to stay on the phone searching on the internet to find out what you are looking at but listening to the words of an expert. I must absolutely emphasize that on Saturday 28 September at 08:30, our group of 4 people consisting of a Greek, an Italian and two Finnish people, thanked our guide infinitely, a girl named Alexia, a sunny and fantastic person, with a clean, perfect and understandable English. She explained many interesting things about the Acropolis of Athens and always with a smile on her lips. She was always waiting and checking on our group that everyone was present. I would say she deserves a 10+ in her work, a highly professional person.
Gervase Taylor
Sep 2024
We didn't want miss out on the history element of the ruins etc. Always love to hear about a particular place etc
Rebecca Chalsen
Sep 2024
I love starting a trip with a guided tour to provide context for the new city we're visiting, and I knew a guided tour of the Acropolis would be the perfect way to kick start our Greece itinerary. I also loved that the tour was for a 4:30pm start, as we flew into Athens that morning and wouldn't have been able to make the earlier (9amish) options. We'd already been planning to visit the Acropolis before/around sunset, so this was very ideal for us.
Brandy Williams
Sep 2024
We booked the guided tour because we wanted to have a better understanding of the history and the culture! We were so lucky to have our tour guide, Greg, who was an expert in Greek history and culture and he even spent many years at the school of giving tours! So, he was perfect!
Adrienne Andrew
Sep 2024
The guide was amazing (Maria) being that she was very knowledgable and also very thoughtful. She was great at guiding us through the crowds of people, answering our questions and proving background on the sites we were seeing.
Cherrie Cindric
Sep 2024
Proximity of ticket office to our rental apartment, availability to get tickets when the day was sold out (it was a free day)
Lynne Phillips-Werbel
Sep 2024
Because we were told it was the best way to do it, and it was very helpful to have someone explain the history of what we were looking at!
Ines Trost
Sep 2024
Guided tours provide us with packed knowledge about a place with information that might not be available somewhere else. And they allow questions. Thanks to Fay who did a fantastic job.
Jon Gaudino
Sep 2024
We thought it would be more helpful and personable to give us facts about this beautiful Historical site.
Carol Emberton
Sep 2024
We wanted an indepth guide of the Acropolis to get an educated, informed explanation of its architecture and history
Denise Diane Schultz
Sep 2024
I felt there was a need to fully utilize the time we had available In Athens, and not be overwhelmed.
Leoni Roberts
Sep 2024
I think you always get more from a guided tour, little pieces of knowledge that come from experience, rather than a plaque.
Sean Daley
Sep 2024
A guided tour takes all the guess work out when visiting the monuments. I also prefer the personal interaction with a guide and being able to ask questions to get further insight.
Graham Heal
Sep 2024
We went to the Acropolis and on seeing the length of the queues for tickets and similar queues for entry we decided a 'skip the line' option would be better. In addition would also get the benefits of a well informed guide
Esty Lipkin
Sep 2024
We wanted to explore the Acropolis while learning the history of the place. It is always much more interesting to hear it from a guide, with the personal touch, rather than reading it.
Melissa Regan
Sep 2024
I wanted to learn more history and be able to appreciate the Acropolis and Parthenon more fully than I would by just reading a guidebook.
Nora Hernon
Sep 2024
We were interested in learning about the history rather than wandering around the site without gaining any knowledge
Dawn Michelle MacDonald Vargas
Sep 2024
I wanted to learn more about the history and hoped I would see something I otherwise would have missed.
Steven Blayney
Sep 2024
Wanted to get the best experience and a knowledgeable guide was expected to be the best way to do that. Georgina was exceptional - she had great insight and made time for every question.
Eric Gerdts
Sep 2024
Found the tour on Google. It had good reviews. It was worth it!! Our tour guide, Sissy was fabulous.
Janet Yule
Sep 2024
Our tour guide Yanis/John was EXCELLENT! His knowledge and way of explaining made the tour that much more fun and interesting... he is an exceptional guide!!!!
Henrik steno
Sep 2024
We wanted to have a guided tour to learn more and to be aware of more details. So by a search on guided tour on Acropolis we got the ticket
Eric Arion
Sep 2024
Less expensive than booking through the cruise line. Learn more with a guide than just walking through ruins
Lisa Clark
Sep 2024
We wanted to visit the Acropolis in Athens, but realized it would be us...and 20,000 of our closest friends. We decided on a tour to not only get good information, but to also help manage the chaos.
Vivian Benci
Sep 2024
Our tour guide was very concerned about us not overheating. When she stopped to talk to us, she made sure to find a spot where everyone could stand in the shade.
stacie leonard
Sep 2024
It is a very crowded area so we wanted information that we could hear and a guided path to the Parthenon and in the museum.
Che Hale
Sep 2024
We chose a guided tour to have a better understanding of the history and culture behind the building of the Acropolis. Anastasia was a phenomenal guide. The stories she tells are informative & engaging.
Glenn M. Page
Sep 2024
We love to hear from local experts on unique perspectives, as well as what is most important to know.
Julia Mayhew
Sep 2024
We had no knowledge on Greek history so it was a good way to see the sights while also learning the history.
Shannon Innis
Sep 2024
A small group led by an English speaking guide. I also liked that it would be 2 hours, I would learn information about the site, and after the tour we would be free to stay at the site to look around more on our own.
Elaine Downey
Sep 2024
We booked with an English speaking guide so we would learn as much as possible about The history of the acropolis.
Jane E Schilling
Sep 2024
Looking for a small group guided tour in English that included the Acropolis and the Acropolis Museum. Our guide was knowledgeable and interesting. She provided lots of details and happily answered questions. Her pace was good and she looked out for the group as a whole. Even though it is clearly stated on the website, this tour is not for folks who need a cane to walk or have knee or hip problems. There is a good bit of uphill walking as well as steep stairs. The surfaces are uneven and slippery in places. To ascend the Acropolis in the heat with crowds of people is not for the faint of heart.
Daniel Cheirif Bardavid
Aug 2024
Opinions were very good and the price was simillar to others but I got to book other guided tours with discont
Michael John Thomas
Aug 2024
We had an awesome guide and a great tour that explained many things that we couldn't possibly have known if done on our own Well done head out yours
Emi Ishida
Nov 2024
A little bit over 1 hour. It was least that I'd planned, but I was able to see what I wanted to see. I was very sartisfied
Joanna Paull
Nov 2024
About two hours . Be methodical about your visit and prioritise what you want to see. We didn't have a guide but the info boards were very helpful. Once you are in the site you can take your time.
Emi Ishida
Nov 2024
A little bit over 1 hour. It was least that I'd planned, but I was able to see what I wanted to see. I was very sartisfied
Joanna Paull
Nov 2024
About two hours . Be methodical about your visit and prioritise what you want to see. We didn't have a guide but the info boards were very helpful. Once you are in the site you can take your time.
Svetlana Djukic
Nov 2024
Sat ipo smo proveli gore. Nezgodno je za one koji ne mogu puno da setaju ili nisu u kondiciji, mada nije previse strasno.
Cesar Escobar C.
Nov 2024
pasamos alrededor de 1 hora y 20 minutos, luego de eso bajamos y recorrimos los diferentes lugares existentes bajo la acrópolis.
Kevin Gutch
Oct 2024
We visited on a day when queues were very long & a woman told us the tour we looked at was sold out, but if we paid €50 we could go!! We turned her down, booked online for next day, & paid less than half that! She also said the tour took 45 - 50mins! We walked at our own pace & we're on site almost 2hrs!
mrs pauline d brame
Oct 2024
we waited 10 mins to get in , you need more signs for the ticket office and entry . we spen2.5 hrs
Jessica Janisheski
Oct 2024
1 hour- we are not ones to linger, but depending on your love of history you could spend a lot longer. If you have more than one day in Athens hit the museum first and then go to Acropolis early the next day.
Emi Ishida
Nov 2024
- Plan your Greek holiday during low season, then you won't need to worry about crowd or queues to visit Acropolis Many resources recommend you should visit early morning (8AM) to avoid crowds &queues, but if you visit Greece low season(eg. November), it's not a case at all
Joanna Paull
Nov 2024
Book tickets online to guarantee your entry. Dress for every eventuality! The forecast was for a dry day for our visit but in fact it rained steadily for a couple of hours. Lucky I had packed a cagoule!!
Emi Ishida
Nov 2024
- Plan your Greek holiday during low season, then you won't need to worry about crowd or queues to visit Acropolis Many resources recommend you should visit early morning (8AM) to avoid crowds &queues, but if you visit Greece low season(eg. November), it's not a case at all
Joanna Paull
Nov 2024
Book tickets online to guarantee your entry. Dress for every eventuality! The forecast was for a dry day for our visit but in fact it rained steadily for a couple of hours. Lucky I had packed a cagoule!!
Ashleigh Dunn
Nov 2024
Book tickets in advance. Note that even though under 5s go free, you still have to queue to get a free ticket even if you have booked online. You cannot take food or drink into the site. Only water. Plan where to eat afterwards as it will save you time walking around trying to find somewhere. There are no snack/food stalls nearby and you'll be hungry after the tour especially since you can't take in food.
Serguei Romaniouk
Oct 2024
I believe my schedule was perfect, I saw all I wanted to see. All those attractions kept me busy from 8am through 10pm.
mrs pauline d brame
Oct 2024
Study the the city map,underground and open top bus routs. comfy shoes Go early morning if hot. Going in the cooler months are much more enjoiable and less crowded.
Jessica Janisheski
Oct 2024
Avoid the top of the Hop On Hop Off bus if it's sunny out. Bring water and good sneakers but bathroom options are limited.
Maya Shlomo
Nov 2024
I liked the fact that we could order tickets ahead without waiting in the long line at the entrance.
Emi Ishida
Nov 2024
Beautiful ancient architecture and rich history No crowd no queues due to non-tourist season, lucky!
Maya Shlomo
Nov 2024
I liked the fact that we could order tickets ahead without waiting in the long line at the entrance.
Emi Ishida
Nov 2024
Beautiful ancient architecture and rich history No crowd no queues due to non-tourist season, lucky!
Joanna Paull
Nov 2024
The visit itself was absolutely amazing. Getting the tickets on line that morning was easy but I had trouble getting the audio tour via the app. Nevertheless we were able to read a lot of information on the boards dotted around the site.
Svetlana Djukic
Nov 2024
Dosli smo oko 10h i nije bilo preterano guzva, ali zato kad smo zavrsili obilazak, nakon sat-sat ipo, ispred su za ulazak cekali redovi turista... Karte je najbolje kupiti online.
Lika Kishino
Nov 2024
My friends and I enjoyed the fact that we booked and entered by the time we reserved which makes easier to walk around and contemplate the sites. That was a good way to explore the area!
Cesar Escobar C.
Nov 2024
Fuimos relativamente temprano, antes de las 09:00 hrs y hasta las 10:00 hrs, se puedo recorrer y admirar sin inconveniente toda la Acrópolis, luego, después de las 10:00 hrs. era tal la cantidad de gente y aglomeración que tuviimos que abandonar el lugar.
Christopher Fritsche
Nov 2024
Went in the morning, lots less crowds, and we enjoyed our time there. By the late morning, lots of crowds go early.
Jewels Kennedy
Nov 2024
My visit to Acropilis was amazing. I went by myself around 5pm. The views were absolutely breathtaking although it was a little crowded. Nonetheless, I got some great photos and people offered to take photos for me. However, I never received the audio equipment. When I arrived at the ticket window, someone pointed me in the directed to get my ticket scanned. I was never offered audio equipment.
Vanesa Sanz
Nov 2024
A really amazing site. I also visited the Acropolis Museum and it was a wonderful experience. I'll back, for sure.
Ashleigh Dunn
Nov 2024
We were really impressed by the acropolis. The walking routes were well laid out and the boards informative. Incredible restoration work has been done since I last saw the Parthenon 25 years ago! I would highly recommend visiting. Staff were also helpful and queues managed effectively.
Tomaž Šumah
Nov 2024
It was beautifull and all. Its just I bought tickets for 8 people, but 4 of them where kids under 16. And there I found out it would be free for them, so I was sad because I owerpayed more than 100 €.
Aneta Francis
Nov 2024
Great experience to see this ancient wonder, we opted to visit the Akropolis first thing in the morning at 8am which was perfect as the crowds were still small the weather was nice but cool and after we finished exploring it was only 10am so plenty of time to do other things during the day, highly recommend and of course you can't be in Athens and don't visit Akropolis so you really don't have a choice but to do it! Well at least I believe so, it is worth it definitely as you can literally feel the energy when you are there.
Márcio Oeschler da Silva
Oct 2024
The Acropolis is amazing and the weather was very good to walking . There were quite a few people which made it a bit confusing going up and down the hill. Unfortunately I couldn't use the audio guide. It wasn't clear that the audio guide had to be downloaded in the app and I ended up without it.
Visa Sarparanta
Oct 2024
Place was nice. Weird how amateurishly the ticket line was organized. No instructions anywhere. Also no road signs during the hill climb from direction of Monastiraki.
Gracjana Madejek
Oct 2024
It was a very pleasant experience. The temperature in late October is perfect, very warm/ even hot but beautiful cool evening. It wasn't overcrowded so you could easily explore the whole area and take really good photos.
Oct 2024
The tickets were validated and we could access with the QR code without any problems. The visit was excellent and the gate was opened on time and the lines went smoothly.
Kevin Gutch
Oct 2024
I have seen the Acropolis many times online & tv but it cannot be properly appreciated until such a historic site is seen in person, not to mention all the various sites & artifacts on the path up to it. However, nothing prepares you for the sight of the Parthenon! It is truly wonderful & see inspiring! 1 of my friends has travelled far & wide, much more than me, & he actually said, " I think this is the greatest thing I have ever seen!"
Kevin Gutch
Oct 2024
Seen the Acropolis many times on tv & online but they do not do it justice, truly brilliant experience to see such a historic site!
Serguei Romaniouk
Oct 2024
After visiting Acropolis I followed map in the app. I was able to locate points of interest and listened to comments.
Eileen Boots
Oct 2024
I walked up to the top and took in all the sights Was not offered an audio guide�� But enjoyed the experience regardless. Glad it was Oct and not the middle of summer.
Colin Andrew Barker
Oct 2024
We travelled from Piraeus cruise terminal and took the Metro from Piraeus to Athens. The Acropolis metro station was very close to the entrance to the Acropolis which was very handy. The Metro service was great. We only had a relatively short queue to get into the Acropolis at 1pm. The experience and views of the remains of the ancient buildings was great. The only downside was having to avoid large groups who tended to go at a snails pace and slow up our progress.
Gabriel Sobin
Oct 2024
I was lucky to book at 8 am opening time, with 15 or 20 minutes of the Acropolis almost quiet... it got very very busy after that. I highly recommend peopme to the same!
mrs pauline d brame
Oct 2024
We went in at 8am, I was glad we did by 10.30 it was too crowed for me and my husband 74yrs, who had trouble getting around with the steps . the whole experance was very moving for us from the UK, A BIG THANK YOU TO THE ALL TEAM :) X
Johanna Svavarsdottir
Oct 2024
Breathtaking experience, lots of people but well organized. We had slot at 16:00 and went in on that time so crowd control was good ����
Cara Forrest Ridge
Oct 2024
We walked to the top of the Acropolis and could see the whole city. It was beautiful. The crowds were not bad at this time of year and the weather was peerfect!
Maria Bogdan
Oct 2024
It was very well organized: was easy to buy the tickets online, getting to the Acropolis was easy, there was not a big line to the entrance, entering to the site was also easy.
Mikee Cornelio
Oct 2024
Very crowded even in the earliest time I visited. Good thing there is a good path way to follow and at the same time loads of information on each spot. The art and remains are extremely overwhelming looking at them in real life. Apart from the crowd which shows how popular this is, i thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Jessica Janisheski
Oct 2024
We arrived exactly on time and used the side entrance- we didn't have to wait at all. The crowds toward the top are unavoidable but not as bad as I anticipated. The weather was still very hot even though we went in October- follow the recommendations of bringing water and wearing stable rubber soled shoes. I would recommend visiting museum first if you can, even though they say to go early in the day. We went at 10am but I wish I did the museum first to learn more before making the climb.
Nillanie Healion
Oct 2024
It shows ancient history. Its best to visit at 8am when it opens as the rest of the day its too hot and crowded. We enjoyed our time
Julia Dumm
Oct 2024
We went at 5 pm. There was a performance in the stadium which was amazing. The crowd control was perfection. We went to the museum which you should not miss. Be sure to have a drink on the outside space on floor 2. Wonderful view of the Acropolis especially at night.
Amy S Steinberg
Oct 2024
We walked around - did not get audio guide. It wasn't too crowded so we walked and viewed at our own pace Incredible
Wendy McGhee
Oct 2024
What an absolutely fabulous place to visit - just awesome! It is somewhere I have wanted to visit since being a teenager for both the history and location, but nothing can actually compare to how stunningly beautiful this special place is. I can't wait to go back and see it again. We had a 5 pm slot and although it was incredibly busy, particularly around the steps up to the Parthenon, it never felt too busy. The site is vast and more than enough space for everyone. The ampitheatre had an orchestra practising, which was just an added bonus.
Helen Agapinos
Oct 2024
It was my second time visiting and it is so much better controlled now with crowd size. You pay and select hour and date of arrival. It is being maintained well, with workers patrolling so no one disrespects the monuments and others in the process of keeping it beautiful for future generations to appreciate the magnificence of it all. A must see!
Szalay Marianna
Oct 2024
The timing was almost perfect, there were not tooo many people and we could see the setting sun through the ruins...
Perfeito para: Visitantes que desejam explorar em profundidade
Duração: 2 horas
Preço do ingresso: a partir de € 51
Passeio recomendado:
Perfeito para: Visitantes com tempo limitado ou com orçamento limitado
Duração: 3 horas ou mais no total
Preço do ingresso: a partir de € 36
Passeios recomendados:
Construído entre 437 aC e 432 aC, o Propileu é a grande porta de entrada para a Acrópole de Atenas. Possui seis colunas imponentes feitas de mármore e calcário. É uma escadaria impressionante e marcante que leva ao topo da Acrópole. Composto por dois pórticos a leste e oeste, juntamente com uma porta central na frente, o Propileu é uma maravilha arquitetônica com detalhes intrincados que aumentam a grandeza da Acrópole.
Um dos locais mais populares da Acrópole, o Partenon foi originalmente construído como um templo dedicado à deusa grega Atena Partenos. Um exemplo de arquitetura dórica, o Partenon apresenta esculturas elaboradas, mosaicos e colunas iônicas feitas de mármore. Primeiro serviu como catedral e depois foi convertida em mesquita. A estrutura passou por vários projetos de restauração ao longo dos anos com o objetivo de preservar este importante símbolo da história grega.
Saiba maisUm dos conjuntos arquitetônicos mais antigos da encosta sul da Acrópole, o Teatro de Dionísio foi construído no século IV aC e é dedicado a Dionísio, o deus grego do vinho e dos bons momentos. As tragédias gregas de Eurípides e Sófocles foram representadas neste amplo teatro, que podia acomodar quase 20.000 pessoas, tornando-o o maior espaço público da antiga cidade de Atenas. Acredita-se que o governo de Atenas na época também realizou várias reuniões neste local icônico.
Construído entre 426 aC e 421 aC, o Templo de Atena Nice foi o primeiro templo iônico construído na Acrópole. Localizado bem ao lado do Propileu, o templo foi construído em homenagem às deusas gregas Atena e Nice, as protetoras de Atenas. No entanto, os turcos o demoliram em 1686. O templo passou, desde então, por algumas restaurações. Foi reconstruída em 1834 apenas para ser demolida e reconstruída novamente em 1998.
Saiba maisOutro templo dedicado aos deuses e deusas gregos, o Erecteion recebeu o nome de Erecteion, o rei mítico. Esta estrutura iônica foi construída entre 421 aC e 406 aC e compartilha terreno com o Antigo Templo de Atena e Pandroseion. Não perca as Cariátides, seis estátuas femininas que sustentam o teto do templo. Localizado no lado norte da Acrópole, acredita-se que o Erecteion seja o cérebro do arquiteto Mnesicles e é imperdível em sua visita à antiga cidadela.
Odeão de Herodes Ático foi construído em 162 dC como um teatro que poderia acomodar cerca de 5.000 pessoas. Localizado na encosta sudoeste da Acrópole, este teatro foi construído pelo político Herodes Atticus em memória à esposa Aspasia Annia Regilla. Esta estrutura maciça é feita inteiramente de pedra e ainda é usada como local para concertos e eventos culturais em Atenas.
Sim, passeios pela Acrópole estão disponíveis para reserva.
Os passeios na Acrópole custam a partir de € 13.
Os visitantes podem escolher entre visitas guiadas com acesso prioritário à Acrópole de Atenas ou visitas combinadas, nas quais você pode explorar um ou mais pontos de referência em Atenas juntamente com a Acrópole. Você também pode aproveitar o guia de áudio opcional, que está disponível em 5 idiomas.
Os passeios pela Acrópole incluem acesso a todas as seções abertas ao público, como Propylaea, Partenon, Erechtheion, Templo de Zeus, Templo de Atenas Nice, Teatro de Dionísio e muito mais.
As visitas guiadas à Acrópole estão disponíveis em cinco idiomas: inglês, francês, alemão, espanhol e italiano.
Depende do tipo de visita guiada à Acrópole que você reservar. A visita guiada para pequenos grupos pode acomodar até 10 pessoas, enquanto as outras visitas guiadas têm um limite máximo de 25 visitantes.
Sim. Vale a pena fazer um passeio pela Acrópole, pois é a melhor maneira de explorar essa maravilha arquitetônica icônica e aprender tudo sobre sua história.
Sim, as visitas guiadas à Acrópole incluem acesso sem fila.
Sim, você pode cancelar um ingresso reservado para a excursão da Acrópole até 24 horas antes da data programada e obter um reembolso total.
As visitas guiadas à Acrópole podem durar de 2 a 10 horas, dependendo do passeio que você escolher.